Sunday, November 9, 2008

Today we went to Downtown Mckinney to take some pictures of the girls since the weather was so nice. I had seen some pictures on a photographers website with some grafitti in them and I knew they were in Downtown Mckinney. I figured if we could find the grafitti, then I would know we were where those pics were taken.
Guy and I were talking about the elusive grafitti for a while when Maddie asked what 'afitti' was. I tried to pronounce it for her a couple of times and explain what it was when Maycee finally blurted out "Mom, you know we don't speak Spanish!" Where does she get this stuff?
We never did find the grafitti, maybe it was photoshopped in or already cleaned up, but there isn't a lick of grafitti in Downtown McKinney right now.


Tina said...

Maddie & Maycee:

LOVED the pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nana & Papa

Anonymous said... when does April's studio open!?!?!?!? I need to make an appointment for my Christmas pictures. These pictures are great!!!

Michell said...

These photo's are fabulous, second career maybe?


Anonymous said...

gran gran & grandaddy said...we love those two little monkeys

April said...

Thanks for the comments and the compliments everyone. It is nice to see that someone is actually reading this!!!

No studio for me, but I'll take anyone's pictures anytime. I love it! Just let me know when.

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