Friday, November 7, 2008

That's Not a Turkey You See!

Thanksgiving will be quickly upon us. Turkeys are in great demand this time of the year. We want to save some turkeys from becoming Thanksgiving dinner so we disguised this turkey in hopes of avoiding the turkey's Thanksgiving Day demise.

This was Maddie's first real project for Kindergarten and she really enjoyed it. It was supposed to be a family project, but she did most of it herself. She didn't want us touching her turkey. She let me make her a bow and write Lobos in glue for her to put the glitter on. This morning at 6am when she was getting ready she wanted to make him a wig, but it wasn't happening. I couldn't think of any way to make a turkey wig at the last minute with what I had in the house.

This is how Maycee entertained herself today. She was having a concert. I had to introduce her as Rockstar Maycee and cheer for her before she came onstage.


Tina said...

TURKEY???? What Turkey....I didn't see a Turkey!

Good job Maddie....I guess we will just have to have Ham for Thanksgiving.



Tina said...


You ROCK!!!!!!!!!!



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