Sunday, February 15, 2009

Daddy Daughter Dance Round 2

Friday started with Maddie's Valentines party at school. I could do a whole post on uninvolved, irresponsible parents, but I will spare you. The kids had a great time. Maddie pulled up a chair for Maycee and she got to join in the fun.

The neighborhood kids. Aren't they cute?
The neighborhood kindergartners:)
Getting her hair done

Maycee at soccer practice. Doesn't she look silly? We had to leave straight from school to get Maddie's hair done and straight from there for soccer practice. I forgot clothes for Maycee. Oops. At least she had leggings under that skirt.

Maddie and her Daddy, She looked so pretty and grown up!

Don't they look cute?

The Daddy's and the Girl's

Maddie, Elli and Sofia

I don't have any pictures from the actual dance. Guy won't take my camera because it won't fit in his pocket and it's too much trouble to carry around, but they said they had a good time. Guy said Maddie was dancing the whole time. It was a little different than the dance that he has taken her to before though because this time she had a big group of friends to hang out with. She had all these girls, plus Kara and some girls from her class.

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